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Badr Abdullah cursing Media Amr Leithy and his father

Written By easy on Monday, December 24, 2012 | 8:00 AM

Activists trading on the popular social networking sites "Twitter" and "Facebook", a video clip, Sheikh Abdullah Badr, attacking the press Amr Leithy, and Asabh and his father beyond words.

Badr said that the President of the Republic, signed in serious errors, when it had been left to "followers", in advisory and executive positions in the state, he said, adding: "so far as to say that Amr Leithy remains adviser to the President of the Republic."

And went on Badr saying: "Limit says Sakina Fouad remain chancellor President, love Ocolkm Date Sakina Fouad?", Pointing out that the President Marina refused to come Brotherhood in state posts, fearing that accuses Bojuna state, updated: "Medicine What are Baiqoloha even if obligatory Christians and Ahtathm will call them brothers still the ".


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